Elisabetta Xsavar


Vegan Beauties in Naples

Soon the new project by Elisabetta Xsavar.
A tribute to the City of Naples and to the Women of this city engaged in the front line as activists for animals and the environment without neglecting the concept of Beauty and sensuality so precious to the artist.
Elisabetta Xsavar contacted and chose real Neapolitan women for the photographic project.
A photographic exhibition that will cause discussion and bring attention to many current issues.

EBOOK in Italiano


  • I veleni dell’agricoltura
Rapporto Onu sui pesticidi: 200.000 morti l’anno, di cui il 99% nei paesi in via di sviluppo. Un grave impatto sui diritti umani.❗️❗️❗️
Come dobbiamo comportarci e cosa può fare ogni uno di noi ?
Come siamo arrivati ad avvelenare il nostro cibo? Pesticidi: quali sono realmente i pericoli per la salute e l’ambiente? Avete sentito parlare del glifosato usato in agricoltura ,ma non avete capito bene di che si tratta? Sappiamo davvero che cosa vuol dire biologico e come sceglierlo? Perché la nostra vita sul pianeta dipende dai microorganismi e batteri? Cosa sono gli OGM e perché sono pericolosi?

Naked like Animals

 …naked like animals is a photographic project that I have been working on for many years.. The animals photographed are all rescued from situations such as intensive farming, vivisection, zoos, exploitation, life threatening situations. True stories of love between humans and animals.
I started this journey 10 years ago asking myself:
Who are we really if laid bare in front of Nature and animals?
On the basis of new scientific, genetic, archaeological and anthropological and also perceptive discoveries, really large and complex scenarios are opening up… which will rewrite human history..as I have always thought since I was still a child… The exhibition I’m working on touches on many key and not very “comfortable” themes… the discovery of our true identity.
For me there is no Freedom without Awareness



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These works, many of which are unpublished and selected for the 2023 catalogue, are part of the “Italian Vegan Men” project. All the subjects photographed and chosen by the artist are not professional models, in common they have the choice of a vegan diet, sport, a healthy lifestyle and they are all Italian.

The search for models lasted about 2 years from 2015 to 2017, in which the photographer traveled throughout Italy from north to south to take photos.

Elisabetta Xsavar was the first photographer in the history of art to create a book and a photographic project of male artistic nudes with vegan and sports models who build their muscles naturally and following an ethical plant-based diet thus dispelling many prejudices. With her art she has brought public attention to constructive discussions on many important issues such as the protection of nature, food and ecological pollution, respect for animals and the awareness and conscience of who we really are in relation to the environment that hosts us.

The body is understood by the artist as a temple of the soul and as the only means we have to live life on Earth and must therefore be cared for and respected inside and out: “Mens sana in corpore sano” (“healthy mind in healthy body”)

In fact, man with his lifestyle is leading himself and other creatures to Extinction and unprecedented environmental disasters. The works call for a proactive reflection and invite a profound change and the reunification of man with Nature and therefore with oneself.

Nudity is an intrinsic value in the works of Elisabetta Xsavar.

Italian Vegan Men is a photographic project that causes much discussion and is already history.

Buying these works with high quality prints, with attached 200-year guarantee and certificate of authenticity means investing in Art of high Cultural, Conceptual, Aesthetic and Historical value.